Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gun Control? More Like Idiot Control.

 Is gun control really necessary? Sure, all these killings are sad, but is taking away our rights really going to make anything better? Hypothetically speaking, if guns were outlawed and if a person wants to kill someone or a group of people, they will find the means at any cost; meaning, they will either use other sources, or will get a hold of a gun illegally, anyway. Many people are quick to blame the fire arm, but guns don't kill people, people kill people. How is taking the right to bear arms going to solve anything? If anything, it makes us weaker. Say the government does, by some chance, conspire against the people. How would we defend ourselves if that right is taken away? Also, say an intruder comes into our home. The average time it takes for the police or some sort of emergency response team to respond to the call and get to the scene is 23 minutes, a lot can happen in that time. As opposed to say having a gun, and being able to defend yourself instantly.

Gun control infringes our rights as American citizens,
the rights that our forefathers intended for us to have. We need to look at the real problem, and instead of banning guns, look at the people we sell them to.

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