Tuesday, April 23, 2013

End the hate. Spread the Love.

The topic of guns is a much a heated debate. Within the last two years roughly a hundred people have died due to mass killings. This debate reignited after the well known, heartbreaking incident in Newtown, Connecticut. Within five minutes, 20 children were killed. Who would do such a thing? Why was it so easy for him to access so many firearms? What could have prevented this? All question circulating the media and running through citizens minds. Motives, according to several sources suggested he went to kill his mother, but then why the children? That may never be known, he took his own life after the rampage. Obviously, this occurrence outraged the entire nation. It's sad to see anyone die, but killing innocent defenseless children can rattle anyone's cage. What's even worse, only a couple of months prior to the Newtown shooting, there was another incident in Colorado. And two years before, one here in Tucson, a place many of us now call home. 
There have been so many opportunities to do something, to make changes, to pass bills, that could possibly protect our citizens and still abstain from infringing our rights. Let's be proactive and do something about it. 


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